Saturday, December 03, 2005

I'm Ready to die part duex (take two)

When I die, Frankly I think my destination will be Hell,
I've lived my life the wrong way, but to my friends It's hard to tell,
A reject;
Placed in an alien society because to my parents I was delinquent,
Reluctant to relinquish my more than mischievious ways,
Larceny, posession and extortion,
'convinced that my mother wished she'd had an abortion,
Out of two, and having an older brother, i was certainly considered the worst,
Frequently lying to my pastor, stealing from my mothers purse,
and more than once from the collection plate,
I became a person I've learned to know and hate,
Like Frost, I've found my own path to take,
Far less traveled, far rougher and no where as near narow and straght,
A strait, through the sea of sin and deception,
I needed and still need a lapse from my moral recession,
My lesson?
truly I have not learned it yet,
Direction? Firstly I want directions; guidelines set,
A confession?
I shant give one, lest my inner most thoughts preserved,
Then perverted is my definition of the word,
For I keep my thoughts to myself,
I shed tears alone,
My true identity,
A mystery,
To all but myself,
So help me God,
I need God's help.

- I wrote this with no organization whatso ever for a reason; I myself am not organized. I lay my thoughts on the table before thee, dear reader, for this is probably the most personal poem I hath writ yet, likely it is, I shant write one so near to me henceforth.
I wrote something like this about myself about a month after writing part one (...three years ago), but i lost it so I thought I'd have another crack at it: consider this the REvised REvamped re-storation of it..BE sure to Respond


Blogger SkanMan said...

it shows growth in my thinking, its called being a round opposed to a flat character in my own life's story.

4:53 PM  
Blogger SkanMan said...

...Yes. Yes, it is as a matter of fact. I'm glad you can recognize my use of synonyms.

12:53 PM  
Blogger SkanMan said...

I DO write after all...

7:14 AM  

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